To teachers – Would you like the children in your classroom to be able to focus and concentrate on what you are teaching them?

Our book called Refocusing and Calming activities (Module 1) for children could help you?

If you use the activities that we offer in your classroom, as part of your daily routine, then your students will have a better chance of being more receptive to learning.

Here are some of the ways that you might use them.


The exercises and techniques offered in the book can be integrated into classroom activities for the benefit of all children.

For example, at the beginning of the day or after lunch break when children’s energy may be scattered and unsettled, one of the following could be used:
Breathing Out Feelings – Activities 1.3, 1.7 or 1.9
Deep Breathing for Relaxation and Balancing – Activities 1.2, 1.4,
1.5, 1.8 or 1.10.
This can help to create a calmer, more peaceful classroom atmosphere, where the children are more receptive to learning.

DAILY ROUTINE – It may be beneficial to build in deep breathing exercises as part of a daily routine. For example first thing in the morning to help children oxygenate their bodies and to help them to
begin the day in a calm, relaxed state.

TIME OUT – Children could be taught to recognize when their own emotional energy is building up in their body (using the Body Awareness Activities in Module 2). They can them be given an opportunity to choose time out for a relaxation, and taking deep breaths followed by an art or a journal writing activity to help them express their feelings.
(See Module 5 for creative expression activities).
This could be combined with a debriefing session with the school counselor or a trained teacher aide.

A ‘CALM DOWN CORNER’ – A space could be created in the classroom, where children have access to pillows or cushions, relaxing music, art resources and their own journals. These resources can be used to help children to express their feelings as the need arises.
This corner provides children with the opportunity of expressing their feelings in a safe space, and helps them to change to a calmer more peaceful emotional energy state. For more information, see Appendix A.

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Imagine this! Children who are calm, relaxed and receptive to learning

At the Rainbow Planet Connection we are here to help you as a teacher, child counsellor or parent!

We realize that many children can exhibit restlessness and lack of concentration.

It’s difficult to either teach or parent children when they are  not receptive.

If we can teach children to relax and be able to put themselves into a much calmer state then we will be in a much better position to help them with both learning and behaviour.

I would like to introduce you to our first E-book on ‘Refocusing and calming activities for children.

Please read below:

There is a lot of wisdom in the old saying, ‘TAKE A FEW DEEP BREATHS’.

This Module has been developed to help children to refocus and calm their energy using breathing exercises. It helps them to become more aware of their breathing patterns and teaches them how to breathe in a deeper more relaxed way. Encouraging full, deep breaths can also be a powerful way to promote release of the energy linked in with feelings, which are locked in the body. It can help to set the energy in motion (e-motion).

Many adults and children, only breathe into the top part of their chest. Shallow breathing is one of the body’s ways of controlling and suppressing emotions and excitement.

Feelings of grief, sadness and fear are often held in the chest. Some of the exercises also teach them how to release pent up emotions using breathing techniques.

Benefits of Refocusing and Calming Activities
Benefits of the activities in this Module include helping children to:
  • Develop an awareness of their breathing, and how it affects their energy and emotional state.
  • Learn how to release pent up emotional energy by breathing it out, using visualization exercises.
  • Learn how to use deep breathing for refocusing, calming and balancing their energy.
  • Use deep breathing techniques so that they are more receptive to learning, more focused and less scattered.
  • Be aware of how feelings such as anxiety and fear can cause shallow breathing and how peaceful, calm and more relaxed feelings are linked with deeper breathing.
  • Understand how breathing is affected by external situations and experiences, including environmental factors and other people’s emotions